import { MultiPoint, LineString } from 'ol/geom';
* Removes the last coordinate of a given geometry (Line or Polygon).
* When we draw the last coordinate if tat mouse cursor.
* @private
* @param {ol.Geometry} geometry An openlayers geometry.
* @returns {ol.Geometry.MultiPoint} An openlayers MultiPoint geometry.
const getShiftedMultipoint = (geometry) => {
// Include all but the last vertex to the coordinate (e.g. at mouse position)
// to prevent snapping on mouse cursor node
const isPolygon = geometry.getType() === 'Polygon';
const lineGeometry = isPolygon
? new LineString(geometry.getCoordinates()[0])
: geometry;
const coordinates = [];
lineGeometry.forEachSegment((start) => {
return new MultiPoint(coordinates);
export default getShiftedMultipoint;